Monday, May 4, 2009

Shopping Deals: Baby & Kids Items

In preparation for our new arrival, I have been scouring my bookmarks for the best deals on baby items. Here are the places that our family frequents whenever we need or want something.

eBay. Most of us are familiar with eBay. For those who aren't, it's an online auction site with great deals for anything you can imagine. I have consistently bought boxes (aka 'lots') of baby clothes for no more than $30.

Craigslist. Craigslist is a popular online classifieds website that also has a variety of categories to choose from including 'baby+kids', 'garage sale' and 'free' (my favorites).

Freecycle. Like Craigslist's 'free' category? You'll LOVE Freecycle. You can find items of all sorts that others would like to give away (recycle) instead of toss out. Post all of your unwanted items and know that they will be going to other families who need them.

Freepeats. Now in 54 US cities and growing. Pass on an item, then pick up an item. This site charges a one-time $4.95 membership fee. However, they are currently offering a promotion to refund your fee after one month. Visit the site for more details.

SwapTree. A media-swapping site for books, music, dvds and video games. Great for passing along items that you are bored with or have outgrown and finding 'new' ones to spark your interest.

Zwaggle. This site works by a point system ("Zoints") rather than cash. Swap your items for Zoints then use them to 'purchase' other items your want or need.

TheThriftShopper. A thrift store directory. Type in your zip code to find a list of thrift stores that benefit charities.

Goodwill. This non-profit has thrift stores in most cities and towns. They provide education and jobs to people who are disabled or disadvantaged due to poverty, homelessness and lack of education. You can shop online or find a local store.

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